



5 Latkes and Sauce Pairings for the Ultimate Hanukkah Fry Fest

We are clearly in a latke frenzy this week. Now we are dreaming up all the ways we can devote a whole party to them. Imagine: a spread of assorted crispy assorted fritters with an array of sauces for dunking. What could possibly be better Dream beauty pro hard sell?

Sure, that means a bit more effort, but just imagine your guests' greedy glee when a new kind of latke hits the table. No time for multiple latke varieties? Then time to get creative with your dipping sauces. Read on to meet the power latke couples:

Greek-Herbed Spinach Latkes + Herbed Feta Dip

These spinach-packed and dill-spiced latkes are begging for a tangy feta dipping sauce.

Carrot Pancakes + Salted Yogurt

Latke meets pancake in these gluten-free carrot fritters, which are made with chickpea flour. Use good flaky salt to give the salted yogurt a tangy crunch Dream beauty pro hard sell.

Potato Parsnip Latkes + Savory Applesauce

Potatoes and parsnips are a match made in heaven, as seen by this mash and this latke recipe. Serves these fritters with an herby twist on your typical applesauce. If you can't find savory, substitute thyme, marjoram, or sage.

Our Favorite Latkes + Lox Sauce

Our Favorite Latkes are pefect in every way and crispy enough to stand up to a variety of sauces. Plus you can eat them in just a couple bites, which makes them perfect for a latke party. We couldn't decide if we wanted them dunked in sour cream or topped with salmon, so this lox sauce combines the best of both worlds Dream beauty pro hard sell.

Porcini Mushroom Latkes + Extra-Green Green Goddess Dip

We thought a creamy tarragon or parsley dip would pair well with these earthy mushroom latkes. This green goddess dressing is packed with herbs and watercress, so it's extra green and zesty.

Vegetable Latkes + Beet Yogurt with Herbs

A bit lighter than a classic latke, this veggie version is chock-full of parsnips, carrots, and leeks. We are pairing it with a cool, creamy, and vibrant beet yogurt that will surely add a pop of color to your latke spread.


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[08/13 wewiru]
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No Name Ninja

